Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My little boy is growing up.

I am in the process of planning Aiden's 4th party. It is so sad to know that in 3 weeks my little boy will be 4. He starts preschool this year. I just can't get over how fast kids grow up. I just want to cry thinking about it. For the past two years he has had his bday party at Chuck E. Cheese and this year I changed it to a big playground and cafe inside the Calvary Church in Souderton. I really hope he won't be disappointed because everytime he sees a Chuck E. Cheese commercial he says that is where his birthday party is. I think he will have fun but this place is so much cheaper. It is getting wayy expensive having a party at Chuck E. Cheese. I do plan on taking the kiddies there one day just to play.

I am so impressed with the way my kids have been handling daycare. When I drop them off they run and go play with their toys instead of hanging onto Mommy's legs and being pried off of me. It is getting much easier. Aiden is having less and less time outs which is just what Mommy wants to hear. =] The only problem he is having is not napping. He is scared he is going to miss something. But overall I am extremely proud of my youngins. <3

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