Friday, August 27, 2010


So I believe it is deffinetly time for an updated blog and updated pictures.

We have been through alot recently. My husband lost his father's dad and stepdad within the past 8 months and than my daughter just broke her collarbone last week. It has to be the most difficult thing you could go thru as a parent. She was in so much pain and she didn't want to do anything but watch tv and sleep but she is a little trooper and bounced back sooner than I would have thought. She still has to be very careful when she does things but sometimes she doesn't [but what can you expect from a two year old]. She goes back in two weeks to the orthopaedic surgeon to get more xrays done to see if they need to do surgery to heal it. Hopefully that will be a no-go and it is doing well on its own.

Aiden is doing very well. Learning more and more everyday. I can't wait until spring time to sign him up for preschool. Gosh.. I can't believe it is that time already. Yesterday he just learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels. I am so proud of him. He learned it in one day. He is a champ at PS3 and the Wii. Those are his favorite things to do.. but I tend to keep him preoccupied with other things. I don't feel he needs to be playing video games all day long even tho I know he would if I let him.

Oh.. and my big girl just turned two a little over a month ago. July 23rd, 2010. Where does the time go? It goes by too quick. We are working on potty training but for her it doesn't seem to be going well so I have begun doing research on cloth diapering her until she is potty trained. She sits on the potty and wants her diaper changed right when she goes #2 but she won't actually go on the potty yet. We are working on it but I'm not into forcing or pushing her too much. But if anyone has some awesome tips or websites about cd that would be great. Trying to save up money at this time to go crazy on dipes. :)

As far as baby number three is coming along.. we aren't doing so good in that field. I know everyone keeps asking when the next baby is coming and trust me I want one SO BAD at this point but our money situation right now is not where I would like it to be and I have to tell you I deffinetly want a house to call my own before we even begin to start thinking of that. Our two bedroom apartment that we are renting isn't quite cutting it at this point. But I will keep you all updated on when the ttc will be starting [hopefully soon, im getting impatient].

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